华夏文明的形成与发展是在碰撞与交融中实现的。论述了中国历史上碰撞与交融的三种主要方式 :即原始社会末期部落之间的碰撞与交融 ;春秋战国期间汉民族内部的碰撞与交融 ;农耕民族与游牧民族之间长达 2 0 0 0余年的碰撞与交融。
WT5BZ]The form and develpment of Cathay Civilization have been realized in the course of collision and blend. This article discusses the three major ways of collision and blend in Chinese history: the collision and blend between the tribes in the late primitive society; in the Han people during the Spring and Autumn Era and ZhanGuo Era; between the farming peoples and the nomadic peoples for 2000 years. And this article relates to the active influence of the collision and blend on the Chinese society.
Journal of Luoyang Agricultural College