新疆地区南邻西藏、青海 ,东南接甘肃、东与内蒙古相连。秦汉时期 ,除其东南部分地区与文化比较进步的甘肃接近外 ,当时的青海、西藏地区经济、文化都比较封闭、落后 ,但都在该地区 (时称西域 )形成许多城邦小国 ,经济、文化都超过了西藏和青海。其根本原因是汉武帝后直归中央王朝管辖 ,与中原来往较多 ,又对西方、南方的国家开放 ,东西商人、使者、僧人、官吏等将汉文化、西方文化带进了新疆地区。其文化反转过来又对西藏和青海地区产生了影响。
In the east,xing jiang adjoins Inner Mongolia,its South neighbours Tibet and Qinghai,and is clise to Gansu in South-east.During the Qing-Han period,the South-east region and its civilization were close to the comparatively developed Gansu.But the economy and civilization of Tibet and Qinghai Were backward and closed at theat time.The economy and civilization of many city states in xingjiang (west region) were superior to that of Tibet and Qinghai.The reasons for this is that the region was directly under the central government after Hanwu emperor.Contacting frequently with central plains the region poened to the countries in the west and south.So traders,emissaries,officials monks brought the region the civilization of Han and the west;besides,the civilization brought influence on Tibet and Qinghai.