稳定性二氧化氯是二十世纪 6 0年代中期研制出的新型杀菌消毒剂 ,是目前常见化学消毒剂中最理想、最有发展前景的产品。它杀菌能力强 ,适用范围广 ,使用后不产生对人体有害物质。在居民饮用水和工业废水处理、造纸、食品加工、水产养殖、医疗卫生。
Stable Chlorine Dioxide(ClO 2) is a new disinfection reagent which was developed in 1960s and one of the most optimal and promising products among familiar chemical disinfection regents at present.It is of good ability of disinfection,broad ranges in point and innocuity to the body.There are applications of the disinfection reagent in many fields such as water for drinking,industrial sewage disposal,paper industry,food process,water cultivation,treatment and health and environmental protection.
Journal of Chengde Petroleum College