通过对企业经济效益指标的综合分析 ,笔者基于灰色关联分析理论 ,确定了综合评判的层次结构模型 ,建立了灰色多层次综合评判方法 .该方法通过对影响经济效益的 1 0个因素进行分析与计算 ,可以更直观、更合理地分析企业的经济效益状况 .同时 ,结合模糊隶属函数处理过程 ,弥补了灰色系统对某些不能单从大小上来判断优劣的指标进行无量纲化处理这一弱点 ,从而扩大了灰色系统的应用范围 。
Based on the comprehensive analysis of economic benefit of coal enterprises and the grey analysis theory,the multiple structural model of the comprehensive assessment is determined and the method of grey multiple comprehensive assessment is established.Having analyzed and calculated the 10 factors which affect the economic benefit,it has provided more scientific and rational economic benefit result.It has combined the disposing process of fuzzy belonging foundation and made up the shortage,which cannot assess stand or fall of the indexes only by the size of value of grey system.And the method extends the applying scope of grey system,and strengthens the comprehensive assessment capability of grey system.
Journal of Jiaozuo Institute of Technology(Natural Science)