在 MEDIWS实时图像处理系统的设计中 ,涉及到存储器设计、定时处理、超高速 A/ D接口、Windows98环境下设备驱动程序的设计等常用技术。通过采用新颖设计方法的定时电路 ,能灵活地控制A/ D转换芯片 AD90 5 7及用 IDT710 2 4构成的帧存储器 ,使其高速而稳定地工作。同时它具有成本低、应用广等特点 ,有较大的实用价值。
In the design of MEDIWS real-time image processing system, we need to deal with so many common techniques such as the storage design,timing processing,A/D interface at a super high-rate and device driver program design in Windows98.We could smartly control A/D chip AD9057 with a timer circuit designed in a new way.Therefore, the frame storage with IDT71024 could work stably at a high rate. It is characterized by a low cost and an extensive application.
Journal of Guilin Institute of Electronic Technology