目的 观察麻醉剂量的乌拉坦对空腹大鼠、葡萄糖负荷大鼠和肾上腺素诱发高血糖大鼠血浆胰岛素水平的影响。方法 采用放射免疫测定法测定血浆胰岛素活性。结果 麻醉剂量的乌拉坦 (1 .5g·kg-1 ,sc ,ip各半 )给药后 2 0min显著升高空腹大鼠及葡萄糖负荷大鼠血浆胰岛素水平 ,给药后 50min血浆胰岛素水平分别从 (1 1± 4)及 (1 1± 4)mU·L-1 升至 (2 5±1 1 )及 (47± 6)mU·L-1 ;相同剂量的乌拉坦给药后 1 4 0min使肾上腺素诱发的高血糖大鼠血浆胰岛素水平从 (1 0± 3)升至 (51± 1 8)mU·L-1 。与血浆胰岛素水平的变化相比 ,乌拉坦给药后 50min显著升高空腹大鼠和葡萄糖负荷大鼠的血糖水平 ,但对肾上腺素诱发的高血糖大鼠的血糖水平无明显影响。结论 乌拉坦显著升高空腹大鼠、葡萄糖负荷大鼠及肾上腺素诱发的高血糖大鼠血浆胰岛素水平。
AIM In view of the contradictory reports i n literatures, to further investigate effects of urethane on the plasma insulin le vels in the fasting, glucose-loaded and the epinephrine-induced hyperglycemic rats. METHODS Plasma insulin was measured with the radio-immunoa ssay method. RESULTS Urethane at anesthetic dose (1.5 g·kg -1 ) significantly increased the plasma insulin levels at 20 min. The plasma insulin levels increased from (11±4) to (25±10) mU·L -1 (P<0.05) in fasting rats and from (11±4) to (47±6) mU·L -1 (P<0.01) in glucose-loaded rats at 50 min after administra tion of uret hane. In hyperglycemic rats induced by epinephrine, urethane significantly incr eased the plasma insulin from (10±3) to (51±18) mU·L -1 at 140 min afte r administration of epinephrine and urethane together. In contrast with the cha nges in plasma insulin levels, urethane significantly increased the blood glucos e levels in fasting or glucose-loaded rats at 50 min after administration of ur ethane, and it did not change the hyperglycemia induced by epinephrine. CO NCLUSION Urethane increases the plasma insulin levels in the fasting, g lucose-loaded and the epinephrine-induced hyperglycemic rats. Insulin secretion promoted by urethane may viaboth hyperglycemia-dependent and hyperglycemia-independent mechanisms.
Chinese Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology
河北省博士后基金(1997 0 2 )~~