目的 观察美托洛尔治疗充血性心力衰竭合并室性心律失常患者的临床疗效。方法 40例NYHA心功能分级≥Ⅲ级充血性心衰合并室性心律失常患者,在常规抗心衰药物治疗基础上口服美托洛尔,治疗3个月前后24h动态心电图检查,超声心动图检查心功能,6min步行测试。结果 心功能改善,6min步行增加,室性心律失常的发生减少,而室性心律失常的减少与心功能改善密切相关。结论 美托洛尔用于心衰治疗不仅安全、可以改善心功能,提高患者生活质量,而且对减少室性心律失常的发生率也有较好效果。
Objective To observe the effects of Mtopolol on patients with congestive heart failure complicating arrhythmia. Methods Fourty paitents with congestive heart failure complicating arrhythmia were treated with metoprolol. All the patients were of new york Heart Association functional class ≥Ⅲ. Holler, left ventricular function evaluated by Echo-cardiogram and 6-minite hall walk were done before and after up to 3 months of treatment Results Mean numbers of ventricular premature beat were decreased, but left ventricular ejection fraction and 6-minite hall walk were increased, there was significantly negative correlation between left ventricular ejection fraction and Mean numbers of ventricular premature beat. Conclusion Metoprolol used in paitents with congestive heart falure is tolerable and the mean numbers of ventricular premature beat is likely associated to the improvement of hemodynam-ics.
Clinical Journal of Medical Officers