目的 通过成本效益分析 ,为全面评价农村贫困地区计划免疫取得的经济效益和制定免疫策略提供依据。方法 采用成本效益分析方法 ,共现场调查 4个贫困县 ,每县随机调查县、乡、村三级免疫预防服务单位的成本投入及计划免疫相应疾病的经济损失。结果 4县 2 0 0 1年的总投入在 2 90 0 0 9~ 12 6 0 5 781元之间 ,平均 5 74 973元 ,主要支出发生在乡镇级和用于劳务费 ;减少的经济损失在 2 795 84 5~ 85 94 90 6元之间 ,平均 370 5 95 6元 ,因接种麻疹和百日咳疫苗而减少的经济损失尤为显著 :取得的净效益在 376 19~ 6 6 90 178元之间 ,平均 3130 983元 ;取得的效益成本比在1.6 2— 10 .80之间 ,平均 6 .4 5。结论 农村贫困地区计划免疫工作有显著的经济效益。
Objective To determine evidences for current expanded programme onimmunization carried out in rural Anhui by cost-benefit analysis.Methods We selected poor counties of 4, from which three levels of preventive health care units incounties, towns and villages were sampled randomly for analyzing total cost this program invested and thediseases pertinent to vaccination avoided.Results The global investments the program needs amount 290009í1/212605781 Yuan in RMB, averageat 574973 Yuan. There is of significance in terms of reducing losses that measles and whooping coughincurred, which would cost 37619~6690178 Yuan net, with a mean of 3130983 Yuan; resulting in ratios ofcost and benefit from 1.62 to 10.80.Conclusion The expanaea programme on immunization currently conducted in rural Anhui has amanifest significance economically.
Chinese Rural Health Service Administration