目的 :探索一种巨乳缩小后乳房形态和功能俱佳的手术方法。 方法 :设计乳晕周围双环切口 ,采用乳腺基底蒂方法 ,对乳腺组织作放射状桔瓣样多区段切除进行缩乳整形术。 结果 :施术 10例术后疤痕不明显 ,保存乳头乳晕的感觉 ,保留哺乳功能 ,并获得满意的美学形态。 结论 :本术式行巨乳缩小塑形效果可靠 ,方法简便实用。
Objective:To introduce a technique that keep nice configuration and good function after reduction mammoplasty. Methods:Two concentric circles were designed with the nipple in the centre.The skin between the two circles was deepithelized.Then three radiate wedge shaped sections of glandular tissue in medial,lateral and inferior area are exised. Results:The technique has been performed on 10 cases with slight or moderate hypertrophic breast,which gives us satisfactory following up observation. Conclusion:The technique of reduction mammoplasty in resection of sections of glandular tissue with periareola concentric double ring incisions is a simple,practical and easy method. [
Chinese Journal of Aesthetic Medicine