目的迎接21世纪,促进中国医院药学实践水平的提高,推动医院药学学科向前发展.方法 总结近年来国外介绍药学监护的有关文献,了解药学监护在理论和实践方面的进展,提出我国实施药学监护的策略.结果 药学监护的概念在不断完善,药学监护实践的内容更加具体.本文概述了药学监护实践的学科基础,基本要素及具体实施的过程,提出了面向21世纪,我国实施药学监护的战略.结论 药学监护是医院药学实践的崭新内容,中国药师应加强学习,迎接挑战.
ve To promote the professional level of Chinese hospital pharmacy practice and make the hospital pharmacy subject go ahead. Method By summarizing the published data on the introduction of pharmaceutical care abroad, the advances in the theory and practice of pharmaceutical care were recognized and the strategies for implementing pharmaceutical care were put forward. Result The concept of pharmaceutical care has been made more and more perfect. It is redefined as a practice in which the practitioner takes responsibility for a patient' s drug related needs and holds him or herself accountable for meeting these needs. 'In this article, the philosophy, the basical elemets and the patient care process of pharmaceutical care practice were summarized, and also the strategies for implementing pharmaceutical care in china in the face of the 21th century were put forward. Conclusion Pharmaceutical care is a new element of hospital pharmacy practice, Chinese pharmacists ought to study hard to face the challenge.
Journal of Pediatric Pharmacy
pharmaceutical care practice philosophy element patient care process