目的 探讨乳腺DCIS(ductal carcinoma in situ)的发病趋势及治疗模式的变化.方法 以1982~1995年诊治的479例乳腺DCIS病人为研究对象,进行回顾性分析研究.结果 乳腺DCIS占全部乳腺癌的比例由1982年的3.3%上升到1995年的17.35%,这种趋势发生在40岁以上的各年龄组中,上升最明显的年龄组是40~49岁.乳腺DCIS的治疗模式中,乳腺切除术由100%降至21.95%,局部切除术辅以放射治疗或者单纯局部切除术由0上升至78.05%.结论 近二十年来,乳腺DCIS的发病较前明显增多,其发病年龄趋于年轻化.乳腺DCIS的常用治疗方法是保守手术辅以术后放射治疗.
To explore the new trends of incidence and treatment patterns of DCIS of the breast. Methods: 479 patients with DCIS of the breast, who were diagnosed and treated between 1982 and 1995, formed the population for this study. Retrospective study has been done via charts review. Results: The percentage of DCIS of the breast of all the breast cancer patients has steadily increased from 3.3% in 1982 to 17.35% in 1995. The upward trends are observed in all age groups above 40 years, but chiefly in the age group of 40-49 years, whose rates is higher than those of other age groups. Trends in management of DCIS patients include a decreasing reliance on mastectomy (from 100% to 21.95%) and increasing utilization of excision with or without irradiation (from 0% to 78.05%). Conclusion: In the last two decades, DCIS of the breast represents an increasing percentage of all breast cancer diagnoses. The percentage of DCIS of the breast had been steadily increasing between 1982 and 1995. The trend suggests a slightly younger patient population as compared with our entire breast cancer population. Mostly the conserving surgery with radiation therapy is the first choice for DCIS of the breast.
Chinese Journal of Current Advances in General Surgery