回顾了 Jacobi 方法与拟-Jacobi 方法的发展历史,介绍了并行 Jacobi 方法与并行拟-Ja-cobi 方法的研究现状。针对网格状分布式多处理机系统就非对称广义特征值问题设计了一种拟-Jacobi 方法的并行处理方案,并对 G.W.Stewart 提出的一种算法做了修正。
It is recalled the development history of Jacobi method and Jaobi-like method,Introduced the present researches of parallel Jacobi method and parallel Jacobi-like method.And designed the parallel processing plan of a kind Jacobi-like method for nonsymmetric generalized eigenvalue on system of square array of mesh-connected multiprocessors,while remade the G.W.Stewart's algorithm.