目的 通过对流动小姐开展健康教育和行为干预,减低她们感染艾滋病性病的危险性,进而保护一般人群免受艾滋病的威胁。方法 在社区中对提供或可能提供性服务的妇女进行健康教育,向她们提供因性行为不当而造成性病、艾滋病感染或意外怀孕等可能会影响到她们身体健康的有关知识和信息,促使她们改变不利于健康的行为。结果 在这组人群当中,使用避孕套的比例上升了10.1%,发生意外怀孕的人数由1997年的20.8%下降到2000年的14.3%,人工流产的比例也下降了4.0%。结论 采取的干预措施产生了一定的效果,但是还应继续观察其远期效果。
Objective TO reduce the risk of acquiring AIDS and STD in the floating street gorls and protect the population through health education and behaviour intervation. Methods Health education was offered to women provided or possibly provided sex service in the community by spreading the AIDS and STD knowledge and preventive techniques, such as accidental infection and pregnancy due to unprotected sex activites, so as to change their unhealthy behaviour. Results The condom - using rate in this groups interved increased 10.1%,the rate of accidental pregnancy dropped from 20.8% in 1997 to 14.3% in 2000 and the induced abortion rate reduced by 4.0% . Conclusion The intervention measures is effective and further observation on the forward effect is indicated.
China Tropical Medicine