目的 海南省在消灭脊髓灰质炎(以下简称脊灰)的工作中投入了大量的人、财、物,为了准确评价消灭脊灰所产生的效益提供经济学方面的依据。方法 采用成本-效益分析方法,通过对脊灰病例抽样调查其住院、门诊、康复治疗费用,陪护人员损失费用,死亡儿童安葬费用,家庭和社会补贴的生活费用、残疾人应创造的经济价值和社会效益,消灭脊灰工作中需投入的经费等计算咸本-效益。结果 通过消灭脊灰工作海南省已连续7年无脊灰病例发生,减少费用和创造的价值合计为169,351,362.88元,成本效益比值为1:10.78。在全球实现了消灭脊灰的目标后,将停止脊灰疫苗的允疫接种工作,每年为我省减少费用和创造的价值为2643.64万元。这将是一笔永远的、无穷大的经济效益。结论 将消灭脊灰的成功经验推广应用到其它疫苗相关疾病的控制工作中。
Objecive To provide econimical basis for correct evaluation of the benefit arised from the operation for eradication of poliomyelitis caned out in Hainan province after a great deal of manpower, fund and material resources were spent. Methods Cost - effectiveness analysis method is adopted and used for calculating the cost - effectiveness in treatment of polio cases, including hospitalization expenses, cost of outpatient service and recovered treatment, cost of accompanying persons, funeral expenses for dead children, living allowances given by families and society, economic value and social benefit, the polio cases should produce and the fund invested in polio eradication work. Results There no polio cases have occurred in Hainan Province for a succession of 7 years since of conduction of activities in eradication of poliomyelitis. The total produced value and reduced loss from the work of polio eradication, amounted to RMB 169. 351 million yuan. The ratio of cost to benefit is 1:10.78. At the time when the goal of eradication of poliomyelitis is realized worldwide the work of OPV vaccinatin would be stopped, a benefits produced and saved in this province would reach RMB26. 436 million yuan, to be a great and eternal benefit. Conclusion The successful experience of eradicating polio should be spread and applied in the control of other vaccine - associated diseases.
China Tropical Medicine