目的 探索中国人和非洲人恶性疟疾的临床表现、治疗特点。方法 选择在中非共和国经治的恶性疟疾病例,分为 A、B二组。其中 A组为中国人组,共 58例,B组为非洲人组,共 65例。密切观察二组病人的临床表现及对青蒿素类药物治疗的疗效和不良反应。结果 二组病例均以发热、出汗及全身酸痛等为特征。A组高热、头痛,畏寒寒战者较多,B组神志改变、贫血、肝脾肿大者较多(P<0.05)。二组病人24h体温正常率分别为48.3%、55.4%,平均退热时间为32.1±25.7h、44.6±25.8h。平均退热时间有显著性差异(P<0.05)。药物不良反应轻,以消化道症状为主。结论 中国人和非洲人的恶性疟疾临床特征有异同,应引起注意。青蒿素类药物为治疗恶性疟疾的高效、安全药物。
Objective To observe chinical manifestation and effective of treatment of P. falciparum malaria in Chinese and African patients. Methods Randomization and companson methods in the Republic of Central Af- ncan were used and, 123 patients of P. falcipamm malaria, ie 58 cases of Chinese (group A) ,65cases of African (group B) were observed. The clinical characteristic and effective ness and side effects of Arteannuins were lyzed in two groups of patients. Resu]ts The clinical characteristic of P. falcipamrn malaria was persistent fever, sweating, malaise et al. High fever, headache and chill were more common in group A; Coma, anemia and hepato- splenomegaly were more common in group B(P <0.05) .The rate of fever clearance in 24 hours was 48.3% ,55. 4% ;the average fever clearance tune was 32.1±25.7、44.6±25.8 hours respectively;the side effects of drugs was slight, main manifestation was nausea,vomit, diarrhea et al. Condusion The clinical characteristic of patients with falciparum malaria is different in Chinese and African patients, its must be attention. Arteannu ins is effective and safe in treating patients with falcipanim malaria.
China Tropical Medicine