目的 建立实验室大劣按蚊自然交配繁殖种群 ,为同类研究提供依据。方法 将野外捕捉并在实验室人工交配繁殖至第 6 1代的大劣按蚊 ,按不同雌雄比例先后顺序置于大、中、小三种不同型号的蚊笼中喂养、驯化、观察产卵情况并计算产卵数和孵化率。结果 在大、中、小蚊笼内的分别驯化至第 15、10和 18代时成蚊卵的孵化率各达到82 %、83 4%和 80 .7% ,成功建立小蚊笼自然交配的大劣按蚊种群。结论 经实验室驯化的大劣按蚊能够自然交配、产卵、繁殖 ,有助于建立实验室自然种群。
Objective To set up An.dirus population naturalized in the laboratory and to provide basis for similar researches. Methods An. dirus collected in the field and cultured to the 61st generation by means of artificial mating in the laboratory were put in big, medium and small mosquito cages of various sizes for cultivation, naturalization and mating ,with female to male ratio of 1:1.38,1:1.58 and 1:2, and the proportion of adult female mosquitoes were calculated, the quantity of eggs laid and the hatching rates were recorded. Results It was observed that the hatching rate of the adult mosquitoes after cultured to the 15 th ,10 th and 18 th generation in big,medium and small cages were 82%,83.4% and 80.7%,respectively. Conclusion An. Dirus naturalized in the laboratory is capable of natural mating, laying eggs and reproduction and it is useful both for understanding the natural mating laying eggs,reproduction of An. dirus naturalized in the laboratory.and for setting up the natural population in laboratory.
China Tropical Medicine