从创作主体本身入手 ,通过对彭家煌身世际遇和个性的考察 ,来分析其创作过程的思维倾向即都市里的“乡村忧郁” ,以有效地挖掘彭家煌乡土小说蕴含的悲剧意味 ;指出其悲剧创作体现为对传统的批判和对人的价值的关注两方面的主题倾向 ,并对彭家煌独特的审美倾向即果戈理式的“饱含着眼泪的微笑”
This paper discusses PENG Jia_huang's local,colour fiction from the angle of aesthetics. First it starts with artistic subject, analysing his mode of thinking_'Local Heavyheart' in metroplis by studying his life experience and personality; Second his tragedy creation lies criticizing tradition and exomining man'value; In the last part,this paper makes a detailed exposition of PENG Jia_huang's distinctive aesthetic standards_'smiles full of tears'.
Journal of Changshu College