20世纪 80年代 ,拉美爆发了有史以来最大的一场债务危机。这场危机持续时间特别长 ,涉及范围特别广 ,债务数额特别大 ,对世界金融体系造成了巨大的冲击。作为西方金融中心和支柱的美国对这场危机给予了充分的关注 ,分别提出了解决债务危机的“贝克计划”和“布雷迪计划”。
The biggest debt crisis ever in history broke in Latin America in the 80s of 20th century has three features: long duration, wide scale and huge quantity. It shaked the basis of the world finance system badly. As the leader of the world economic system, the United States Paid close attention to this crisis and put forward the 'Baker Plan' and the 'Brand Plan' to solve it. This essay focuses on the reasons of the United States' policy changing and points out the weaknesses of the two plans.
Journal of Changshu College