

On Development of Mainstream Opinion upon Political Integrity and Ability from the Time of the End of Han Dynasty to Wei Dynasty
摘要 桓灵之季的主流才性观遵循儒学阶层理想主义的才性体用本末合一的要求,建安前后的主流才性观则发展为曹操制度化的现实主义的才能至上原则。在这个发展过程中汉末权势阶层争夺政治人物标准的阐释权,体现了才性观的阶层性、时代性特征和才性问题在哲学角度上一般性和特殊性、抽象性和具体性的统一,承载了汉末哲学的时代性课题。汉未哲学中人性论内涵,个人目标与社会标准的统一途径,对人的规定性的不断演进,表现了中国哲学的入世特征,具有承前启后的作用。 The mainstream concept of political integrity and ability in the time of Huan Di and Ling Di corresponds to the requirement of the style of political integrity and ability of Confucian stratum' s idealism for the combination of the superficials and the essentials. And the concept of political integrity and ability at the time of Jian' an developed into realistic ability upmost. In the process, the establishment at the end of Han Dynasty goes after politicians' right of determination, which is the mirror that characteristics of stratum and times of the concept of political integrity and ability and issues of political integrity and ability integrate from the aspect of philosophy at generality and speciality , abstractness and concreteness, which assumes the philosophy of the times at the end of the Han Dynasty. And the connotation of the theory of human nature according to philosophy at the end of Han Dynasty is the integration of individual target and social standard, the evolution on prescription of human, which demonstrates that Chinese philosophy adapts itself to that times, which serves a connecting link between the precedings and the followings.
作者 张娟
出处 《南都学坛(南阳师范学院人文社会科学学报)》 2003年第6期6-11,共6页 Academic Forum of Nandu:Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Nanyang Normal University
关键词 汉魏之际 主流才性观 发展 汉末哲学 政治人物 the time of the end of Han Dynasty to Wei Dynasty mainstream opinion upon political integrity and ability philosophy at the end of Han Dynasty politician
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