
豚草卷蛾在我国的生物气候相似性分析 被引量:17

Bio-climatic Matching Analysis for Epiblema strenuana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in China
摘要 利用CLIMEX系统软件对豚草卷蛾(Epiblema strenuana)及其寄主豚草、三裂叶豚草与银胶菊进行研究,对在我国的适生性分布作了预测,并通过生态气候指数(EI)转化的生物-气候风险指数(BCRI),定量地分析了该天敌与目标杂草在我国85个气候观测区可能同时定殖的吻合程度。同时假定向日葵在逼迫环境下成为豚草卷蛾取食寄主时,定量地评价了这种风险寄主的气候相似性风险程度。其结果对预测检疫杂草豚草、三裂叶豚草和银胶菊在我国的扩散分布,扩大豚草卷蛾对上述杂草的释放控制,提供重要参考,同时对风险寄主(如向日葵)的生态气候风险分析提供了方法。 Epiblema strenuana is an effective biocontrol agent against Ambrosia and Parthenium, and was imported to China to control Ambrosia artemisiifolia . After a small scale of release was made in Hunan Province, China in 1990, this phytophagous insect has been establishing there. Host specificity test and feeding investigation from the releasing region showed that there were four host plants for E. strenuana in China: A . artemisiifolia , A . trifida , Xanthium sibi-ricum and Parthenium hysterophorus . All the host plants are weeds, which need to be controlled. However, there are still some different views among scientists on this biocontrol agent due to its safety to nontarget plants i.e. Helianthus annuus . Furthermore, climate suitability for this insect before extensively release is an important aspect to be evaluated. In this study, CLIMEX system was introduced to predict the possibility of establishment of E. strenuana with A. artemisiifolia , A . trifida and P. hysterophorus at 85 meteorological sites. The probability of E. strenuana co-establishing with A , artemisiifolia , A. trifida and P. hysterophorus was evaluated quantitatively, respectively, by Bioclimatic Risk Index (BCRI) transferred from Ecoclimate Index (EI) . Moreover, if H. annuus became host E. strenuana in case of no-choice condition, the bio-climate matching risk of these two species was also evaluated. The results could provide basic information for further releasing of E. strenuana to control A . artemisiifolia , A . trifida , P. hysterophorus and predicting the potential distribution of these weeds in China.
出处 《中国农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第10期1156-1162,共7页 Scientia Agricultura Sinica
基金 "十五"国家攻关课题资助项目(2001BA611B-06-1-5) 国家自然科学基金(39770510)
关键词 豚草卷蛾 中国 生物气候 相似性分析 风险分析 CLIMEX系统软件 杂草控制 Epiblema strenuana Bio-climate matching Risk assessment Establishment
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