
簇毛麦端体6VS的抗病同源序列的克隆及分析 被引量:6

Cloning and Characterization of a Family of Disease Resistance Gene Analogs from 6VS of Haynaldia villosa
摘要 本研究采用玻璃针切割法对小麦遗传背景下的簇毛麦端体6VS进行了微切割,根据已克隆抗病基因的保守域设计引物,从6VS端体DNA中扩增出10类抗病基因同源片段Hvrgak1-Hvrgak10(GenBank登录号为AF387113-AF387120,AY040671,AY040672)。并利用抗病同源序列作探针,进行与小麦抗白粉病基因的相关分析,结果表明,Hvrgak2、Hvrgak4和Hvrgak5可能与抗白粉病基因相关。这些抗病基因同源片段可以为抗病基因克隆提供切入点或是直接的探针。 In the present study, microdissection of 6VS and the cloning of the resistance gene analogs(RGA)from them were reported. The 6VS were microdissected with needle and 10 types of resistance gene analogs were obtained by PCR with degenerate oligonucleotide primer designed according to resistance genes. They were designated as Hvrgak1-Hvrgak10, GenBank accession numbers are AF387113-AF387121, AY040671- AY040672. Identity among RGAs was about 10-50%, and identity with cloned R gene from plants was 5-20%. Southern hybridization analysis results showed 3 RGAs, Hvrgak2, Hvrgak4, and Hvr-gak5 were linked with wheat powdery mildew resistance. These RGAs may be used as direct entrance or probes for cloning the disease resistance genes.
出处 《中国农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第10期1223-1227,共5页 Scientia Agricultura Sinica
基金 国家"863"资助项目(Z-17-04-01) 植物转基因专项及产业化资助项目(J00-A-002)
关键词 簇毛麦端体6VS 抗病同源序列 克隆分析 玻璃针切割法 小麦 遗传分析 6VS of Haynaldia Villosa , Microdissection, Resistance gene analogs(RGA), Cloning
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