采用陶瓷微滤膜膜组件回收钛白粉厂锻烧尾气洗涤废水中的钛白粒子 ,在采用压缩空气反冲洗的措施下 ,对影响膜通量的因素包括尾气洗涤废水的性质 (Ti O2 浓度、温度 )、膜孔径、操作压力等进行了探讨 ,并进行了长期稳定性的考察。结果表明 ,采用陶瓷微滤膜回收钛白粉厂锻炼尾气洗涤废水中的 Ti O2 是可行的 ,Ti O2 截留率可达 99%以上 ;试验确定了对可工业化应用的工艺操作参数 ,为工艺的工业化应用奠定了基础。
Experiments for TiO 2 recovery from the waste water of flue gas scrubber process were carried out by using Ceromic membrane filter.Under the condition of backflushing with pressured air,factors on the flux of membrane such as flue charactics,membrane particle size and operating pressure were investigated.The results show that over 99% TiO 2 can be effectively recoveried by using of Ceromic membrane.Effective operating parameters were gained,which promote the industrialization of this recovering process.
Chongqing Environmental Science