
超级杂交稻“两优培九”的群体生长分析 被引量:9

Growth Analysis for Super Hybrid Rice "Liangyoupeijiu
摘要  为探明超级杂交稻"两优培九"的生长特性,1999年和2001年进行了两优培九与"汕优63"的群体生长动态比较及两优培九4种种植密度、2种施肥处理的生长分析。比较结果显示,两优培九收获期生物学产量比汕优63高9 7%~12 2%;全生长期作物生长率比汕优63高6 5%~6 6%,其竞争优势主要表现在生长前期和中期;净同化率生长前期比汕优63高10 2%~16 4%,生长后期则偏低;叶面积指数增长率生长前期和中期高于汕优63,后期衰减率低,全生长期叶面积持续时间比汕优63高25 8%~35 6%,竞争优势主要表现在生长后期。在密度肥料试验中,两优培九在施肥条件下,中等密度处理(1m227穴)的生物产量为2079g/m2,分别比低密度(1m222 5穴)和高密度(1m231 5穴)处理高5 6%和6 9%,对照(密度为1m227穴不施肥处理)的生物产量仅为1m227穴施肥处理的72 9%;全生长期作物生长率以中等密度施肥处理最高,达14 85g/d·m2,比对照高37 1%,密度处理间的差异主要表现在水稻生长前期和后期;在施肥条件下,3种密度处理的相对生长率差异主要表现在水稻生长前期;全生长期叶面积持续时间从长到短依次为1m227 0穴施肥处理、1m231 5穴施肥处理、1m222 5穴施肥处理、1m227 0穴不施肥处理,处理间差异主要表现在生长后期;密度施肥处理间的作物生长率差异主要缘于叶面? To study the growth characteristic of twoline super hybrid rice 'Liangyoupeijiu', a comparative analysis with 'Shanyou63' as control, the plant density and fertilizer experiments were carried out in 1999 and 2001. In the analysis, Liangyoupeijiu showed its biomass of 2 019~2 122 g/m2 or 97%~122% higher than that of Shanyou63. Its crop growth rate (CGR) was 1463~1484 g/d·m2 or 65%~66% higher than that of Shanyou63, since its advantage during early and middle growing periods. Its net assimilation rate (NAR) exhibited 102%~164% higher than that of Shanyou63 during early growing period. Its growth rate of leaf area index(LAI) showed higher during early and middle growing periods and lower in leaf decay rate during late growing period, which led to 258%~356% higher in leaf area duration (LAD). In the plant density and fertilizer experiment, when planted with a density of D2(270 holes in 1 m2, with 225 kg/hm2 nitrogen fertilizer), its biomass was 2 079 g/m2,shown 56% and 69% higher than that of D1(225 holes in 1 m2,with 225 kg/hm2 nitrogen fertilizer) and D3(315 holes in 1 m2, with 225 kg/hm2 nitrogen fertilizer), respectively. While,the biomass of CK(270 holes in 1 m2, with no nitrogen fertilizer) exhibited 729% of that of treatment D2.CGR in D2 reached 1485 g/d·m2It was the highest among the three plant densities and 371% higher than that of CK, by its advantage during early and late growing periods. The difference of relative growth rate (RGR) in the three plant densities was shown during early growing period. LAD of the three plant densitiesshowed D2>D3>D1>CK and the difference was displayed during late growing period. The difference of CGR in the three plant densities was contributed by LAI and LAD. It is possible to increase NAR and CGR by controlling leaf premature decay and holding a suitable LAI during late growing period.
出处 《江苏农业学报》 CSCD 2003年第4期198-204,共7页 Jiangsu Journal of Agricultural Sciences
基金 国家863计划项目(2001AA211151) 863重大专项资助项目(2002AA207001) 江苏省科技攻关资助项目(BE2001306)
关键词 超级杂交稻 “两优培九” 群体生长 生长动态 种植密度 super hybrid rice growth analysis
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