在500m m 冷模实验塔内对250 Y 型填料进行氧解吸试验,结果表明三层板网复合填料的分离效率明显高于单层板网填料,尤其在液气比低的工况下,效率可以倍增,和广泛应用的金属 Mellapac填料相比,板网复合填料的分离效率能高30% 左右。
Experim ents w ere perform ed on the hydraulic and liquid side m ass transferperform ance ofpackings in a Pyrex glass colum n of500m m internaldiam eter w ith apacking height of1.00m forallpacking types. The colum n w as operated in counter current w ith w ater air oxygen system . The liquid side m ass transfer characteristicsw as tested by stripping oxygen from a saturated w ater into air by m eans of the N T U H T U m ethod. The packing tested w as a type 250 Y. The experim entalresultsshow thatthe separative efficiency ofcom plexed m eshed sheetstructured packing isobviously higher than other structured packings in the sm allratio of liquid to gas. In com parison w ith the w ide use Mellapac packing the efficiency of the com plexedm eshed sheetstructured packing is high than 30% .
Chemical Industry and Engineering