目前世界上很多大学和研究单位的图书馆实际上已成了混合型的图书馆 ,既有大量的印刷版书刊资料 ,又有很多电子期刊、电子图书、电子索引等数字信息资源。对数字图书馆的数字信息资源的获取显然不同于对印刷资料的借阅。用户需要掌握新的技能才能完成这一工作。数字图书馆环境下用户培训的内容应该包括计算机相关应用联网知识以及图书馆提供的各种信息资源的使用等 ,在培训方式上可以采取讲座、网上教学、Email咨询等。
Many libraries are becoming hybrid-libraries in the world. They have common features. First, they have licensed digital collections. Second, they also have a lot of print copies. Accessing digital collections for users are very different from print copies. The users must master some new skills when they try to access these digital collections. The author suggests that in a digital library environment, the user training programs should emphasize: access skill of computer and Internet; access ability of digital resources include interfaces and hardware and software and telecommunications access etc. User training methods may include: workgroup introduction, Email reference, remote online tutorials etc.
Journal of Library and Information Sciences in Agriculture