
生物传感器快速测定BOD的研究 被引量:16

Biosensors for Rapid Estimation of BOD
摘要 生化需氧量 (biochemicaloxygendemand ,BOD)是一种表征水体有机污染程度的综合指标 ,广泛应用于水体监测和废水处理厂的运行控制。由于BOD的标准测定方法需时 5天 ,不能及时地反映水质状况和反馈处理信息 ,因此快速测定BOD的方法和仪器化研究近年来得到广泛的重视。利用生物传感器测定BOD是一种有效地快速测定废水中可生化降解有机物的方法。介绍生物传感器的工作原理及其生物敏感材料 ,讨论BOD传感器的性能参数以及BOD快速测定值(BODst)与标准BOD5值的一致性问题。对现阶段市场上常见的几种BOD快速测定仪进行简单的介绍 。 BOD (biochemical oxygen demand) is a comprehensive indicator characterizing the degree of organic pollution of water body and wastewater and widely used in monitoring water body pollution and in measuring BOD removal efficiency of wastewater treatment systems.However it takes 5 days to get the BOD value in standard method,which cannot reflect the water pollution state and feedback the treatment information immediately.Therefore measurement of BOD using biosensor has received increasing attention in recent years.It is an effective method for BOD rapid analysis.The BOD biosensor can measure the concentration of biodegradable substrate in wastewater rapidly.The present development of BOD sensors is summarized based on plentiful paper in this field.Firstly,the measuring principles and sensor fabrication was briefly introduced,then the performance characteristics of the BOD biosensors was discussed.The agreement between the sensor BOD value and BOD 5 value was also covered.Finally,some commercial BOD instruments are described,and their performance is discussed.
出处 《中国生物工程杂志》 CAS CSCD 2003年第10期85-88,共4页 China Biotechnology
基金 国家"8 63"计划资助项目 (818 Q 0 8)
关键词 生物传感器 BOD传感器 生化需氧量 BOD快速测定 水质评价 Biosensors BOD sensors Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) Short term BOD(BOD st )
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