目的:建立复方美沙芬胶囊中美沙芬与布洛芬的高效液相色谱测定法。方法:固定相Shimpack CLC- ODS柱,流动相乙腈- 水(65∶35,含0.007mol·L-1 硝酸铵、0.007mol·L- 1 SDS,用冰醋酸调pH至3.4),流速1.0ml·min-1,在270nm 处测定。结果:美沙芬含量线性范围0 .02 ~0.10mg·ml-1 ,回归方程:Y=2.51×103 +1.84×106X,r =0.9996 ;布洛芬含量线性范围0 .20~1.00mg·ml-1 ,Y= 1.86×103+ 5.16×105X,r =0.9997 。结论:含量测定方法简便快速,结果准确,可用于该制剂的质量控制。
AIM To develop a method for the assay of the content of dextromethorphan hydrobromide and ibuprofenum in compound preparation by HPLC.METHODS The contents of dextromethorphan hydrobromide and ibuprofenum were detected at the wavelenth of 270nm with chromatography condition of shim-pack CLC-ODS,acetontitrile-water mobile phase and the velocity of 1ml·min -1 .RESULTS The linear ranges of dextromethorphan hydrobromide were both 0.02~0.10mg·ml -1 ,and regression equation was Y=-2.51×10 3+1.84×10 6X (r=0.9996) and Y=-1.86×10 3+5.16×10 5X(r=0.9997),respectively.CONCLUSION The analytical method was simple,quick and precise.
Pharmaceutical Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army