目的:观察人参皂甙合剂(Ginsenosides Mixture,GM) 对胃溃疡的防治作用及机理。方法:按Takagi 方法造成小鼠应激性溃疡模型;按改良的Takagi 方法造成大鼠醋酸型溃疡模型;按Shay 方法造成胃酸分泌模型;用真空泵抽气造成急性低压性缺氧条件。结果:GM与法莫替丁(Famotidine) 一样,能剂量依赖性地减少应激性溃疡损伤,促进醋酸型溃疡的愈合;然而对胃酸分泌抑制作用不及法莫替丁,但能增强对急性低压性缺氧的耐受力。结论:GM 是一种有效的抗溃疡制剂,其作用机制除了抑制胃酸分泌外,还与增加机体抵抗力有关。
AIM To study the effect of Ginsensides Mixture(GM)on experimental gastric ulcer and the mechanism was investigated.METHODS Stress gastric ulcer was induced by acetic acid with Takagi's method, gastric secretion of acid and pepsin was made after Shay,acute hypopressure hypoxia was made by a fore pump.RESULT As well as Famotidine(Fam),GM prevented the acute gastric lesion from stress in mice and improved the healing process of chronic gastric ulcer by acetic acid in rats.It reduced gastric secretion of acid and pepsin, but its action was less than Fam. It also increased tolerance of mice to hypoxia.CONCLUSION GM is a effective antiulcer drug.Besides inhibition of gastric acid secretion, the elevation of resistance of body was involved in the antigastric ulcer effects of GM.
Pharmaceutical Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army