仪器采用了4 位半 A/ D 转换器7135, 提高了测温精度.又采用了单结晶体管振荡器,其触发脉冲的移相角 α由控温电压控制, 继而调节可控硅的导通角,使得温度升高接近恒温温度时,电热丝两端的加热电压也逐渐减少到零,因而消除了热惯性,提高了控温精度.该仪器通用性强,对 E 型、 J型、 K
Adopting 4 digit half A/ D converter 7135, therm om etrical precision of the presentinstrum ent w as raised. Unit function transistor oscillation frequency w as controlled by therm ostatvoltage and continuity angle of controlled silicon w as adjusted. W hen the tem perature raised closeto therm ostatic tem perature, tw o term inalheating voltage ofheating w ire can decrease gradudly tozero and rem ove hot inertial, the precision of tem perature control w as im proved. The instrum entis of high versatility and can be used in m odle E, m odel Jand m odle K therm ocouple.
Journal of Tianjin Institute of Urban Construction