依据惯常的统计计算,美国的劳动生产率自本世纪60 年代末70 年代初开始出现了持续的下滑趋势。对此,经济学家提出了种种解释。这些解释都有一定的合理性。至于每一因素在解释中各应占多大的权数,则是一个难以取得一致意见的问题。
According to popular statistics, American labor productivity has been slowed down since late 1960s. Economists put up a varity of explanations for it. In this essay, the author points out, these explanations are all right to some extent since the output has been brought by many kinds of inputs. As to the importance of each factor in the explanation, economists have not reached agreement, beacause most of the three factors have direct or indirect relationship with investment, the author points out, American low investment ratio is the main cause.
Journal of Guangdong University of Business Studies