The chemical compositions and combination features of the mineral inclusions in the diamond from Liaoning Province, China, belong to the typical peridotite type. The important typomorphic mineral inclusions are mainly composed of forsterite chrom-pyrope and chromite. The structural zoning composed ot alternate growth of monocrystalline diamond and microcrystalline diamond and the compositional zoning composed of crustal-source materials with complex chemical compositions are important respectively in origin. In this paper, the discontinuous and multi-stase feature of the unequilibrium crystallization of the dtamond from Liaoning Province are presented in terms of the typomorphic peculiarities of the mineral inclusions in the diamond and by means of the EPMA, LRM and gem microscope. In the process of the emplacement of the kimberlite magma, the corresponding emplacement rate chansed periodically.It has been fUrther proved that the ma jority of the diamond from the Liaoning Province results from the mantle xenocryst, instead of the magmatic crystallization.
Journal of Gems & Gemmology