Plasma processes are among the emerging technologies for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) abatement[1]. Both thermal plasmas and non-equilibrium plasmas (cold plasmas) are being developed for VOCs cleanup[2,3]. Particularly, pulsed corona discharges offer several advantages over conventional VOCs abatement techniques[4-7]. To optimize the existing technology and to develop it further, there is need to understand the mechanisms involved in plasma chemical reactions. Furthermore, it is strongly desirable to be able to predict the behavior of new VOCs in non-equilibrium plasma environment from the data known for a few representative compounds. Pulsed corona discharge technique is introduced here with citation of relevant literature. Fundamental principles, useful for predicting the VOCs' decomposition behavior, have been worked out from the published literature. Latest developments in the area, targeted to minimize the energy losses, improve the VOCs destruction efficiency and reduce the generation of unwanted organic and inorganic by-products, are presented.
plasma processes are among the emerging technologies for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) sbatoment. Both thermal plasmas and non-equil[brimn plasmas (cold plasmas) are being developed for VOCs clesnup. Particularly, pulsed corona discharges offer several edvantages over conventional VOCs abatement tochniqvee, To optimize the existing technology and to developit further, there is need to understand the mechanlsms involved in plasma chemical reacticms, Furthermore, it is strongly desirable to be able to predict the behavior of new VOCs in non-equillbrlum plasma enviromuent from the data known for a few representative oompounds, Pulsed corona discharge technique is introduced here with dtafion of refevant literature, Fundamental principfes,useful for predicting the VOCs' decomposition behavior, have been worked out from the published literature. Latest developments in the area, targeted to minimize the enersy losses, improve the VOCs destruction efficiency and reduce the generation of unwanted organic and inorganic by-products, are presented.