液面实时监测系统是针对煤层气井排采的实际需要而研制的。该系统将井内液柱压力信号通过电缆传递给地面智能仪表 ,进行数字化处理后 ,实时显示井底压力 ,使排采过程“可视化” ,能够准确判断液位深度、抽排强度 ,以便及时合理地调整抽油机的工作参数。
The fluid level real-time monitoring system based on the actual situation of coal-seam gas well drainage gas recovery is developed,which conveys the fluid column pressure signals to surface intelligent system by wire and displays the bottomhole pressure after being digitized process in real time.It makes the testing process to be visible,it may diagnose truly the fluid level and the rate of pumping in the discharge fluid process ,so as to adjust quickly the operating parameters of pumping unit.
Drilling & Production Technology