描述了一个车辆牌照识别系统 .该系统首先利用车辆位置传感器和图像采集卡来自动获取车辆图像并传输至计算机 ,然后识别车牌字符 .结合网络技术 ,特定车牌信息和车辆图像可以很方便地从远端检索到 .文中介绍了该系统的结构及工作流程 ,以及两种字符的识别方法 :基于PCA LSM的有限中文字符识别方法和基于结构特征分析的字母及数字字符识别方法 .在实际应用环境下 ,该系统的日间整体识别率超过 97% ,夜间整体识别率超过 95 %
We present our License Plate Recognition (LPR) System. Using vehicle position sensors and image acquisition card, it captures images of the vehicles automatically and sends the images to computer, then recognizes characters of the vehicle plate. Combined with the web technique, information of certain plates and the images of the vehicles can be browsed conveniently from remote sites. The system frame and workflow of our LPR System are introduced. Some problems and two of our proposed character recognition methods, i.e. method based on PCA-LSM for limited Chinese character recognition and method based on structural feature analysis for alphabetic and digital character recognition, are addressed in full details. The field applications under practical conditions show that the whole recognition rate of our system is over 97% in daytime and 95% at night.
Acta Automatica Sinica
SupportedbyNingboYouthFoundation ( 0 2J2 0 10 2 0 2)andKeyLaboratoryofIntegrateInformationNetworkTechnol ogy,ZheJiangProvince,P .R .China( 11140 2 J3 0 174)