目的 :为咽旁间隙疾病的影像诊断提供解剖学基础。方法 :选用成人尸体头颈部标本 60例 ,分别作冠状、矢状、横断层解剖。在经咽隐窝的断面上 ,观察咽旁间隙及咽旁结构的解剖学关系 ,利用游标卡尺及关联方格分别测量其宽度和面积。结果 :咽旁间隙的冠状、矢状、横断面积分别为 :( 3 48.8± 1.88)mm2 (左 )、( 3 5 0 .0± 2 .0 4)mm2 (右 ) ,( 4 2 5 .0± 2 .3 2 )mm2 (左 )、( 4 2 4.6± 2 .2 8)mm2 (右 ) ,( 4 47.6± 2 .18)mm2 (左 )、( 4 46.4± 2 .10 )mm2 (右 )。两侧咽旁间隙及咽旁结构呈对称性 ,断面宽度和面积均无显著性差异 (P >0 .0 5 )。冠状、矢状、横断层是分别显示咽旁前间隙、咽旁间隙、咽旁后间隙及其结构的最佳断层解剖。结论 :( 1)翼内肌、腭帆提肌、腭帆张肌、咽鼓管、颈内动脉、颈内静脉及茎突是MRI等影像诊断的重要解剖学标志。 ( 2 )
Objective: To provide anatomical basis for imaging diagnosis of the parapharyngeal space diseases. Methods: 60 headneck of adult corpses were selected and cut into the coronal, sagittal and transverse section respectively. At pharyngeal recess level, parapharyngeal space and parapharyngeal structure were observed and measured in the width and area with vernier caliper and associate pane. Results: It was 348.8±1.88 mm 2(left) and 350.0±2.04 mm 2(right) on coronal, 425.0±2.32 mm 2(left) and 424.6± 2.28 mm 2(right) on sagittal, 447.6±2.18 mm 2(left) and 446.4±2.10 mm 2(right) on transverse section in area of the parapharyngeal space. Parapharyngeal space and parapharyngeal structure were symmetrical of both sides, there were no significant differences in the width and area ( P >0.05). It was better section to show preparapharyngeal, parapharyngeal and retroparapharyngeal space with coronal, sagittal and transverse anatomy separately. Conclusions: (1) Medial pterygoid muscle, levator palatini muscle, tensor palatini muscle, pharyngotympanic tube, internal carotid artery, internal jugular vein and styloid process were important anatomical marks for imaging diagnosis of MRI. (2) Three-dimensional sectional anatomy of the parapharyngeal space has an important significance for imaging diagnosis of the diseases of tumor in the parapharyngeal space.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy
parapharyngeal space
sectional anatomy
muscles of headneck
magnetic resonance imaging