自动喷水灭火系统由于喷头位置所处的高程不同 ,存在着流量不均衡问题。《自动喷水灭火系统设计规范》(GB5 0 0 84 - 2 0 0 1)采用的办法是压力控制方式 ,即限制报警阀组供水的最高与最低位置喷头的高程差和控制配水管入口的压力值 ,而实际应用时压力控制会受到条件的限制。介绍了另一种控制方式 ,即流量控制方式。在配水管入口处设置流量控制阀直接控制流量 ,以达到既保证灭火时喷水强度和系统设计流量的需要 ,又达到均衡流量的目的。
Due to different installation elevation of each nozzle there was unbalanced flow distribution through the whole service area of automatic sprinkling system (ASS). In the national design norm of ASS (GB50084-2001) a measure called water pressure control was recommended against this shortage. By this way the elevation difference of the highest and lowest nozzles for alarm water supply and the water pressure at the inlet of the water distribution pipe have to be restricted, these were not convenient in practices. In this paper the author presents a new operation called flow control. A flow control valve will be set in the inlet of water distribution pipe for two targets: to guarantee the sprinkling intensity at preset level and to regulate the overall flow balance.
Water & Wastewater Engineering