地区化、地区性与地区主义是研究地区合作时的三个核心概念。有必要使用地区性的概念分析东亚的地区性。东亚存在着两种地区化 :以市场为中心的地区化和以民族国家为中心的地区化。作为一个政治概念 ,东亚地区主义具有鲜明的民族国家特征 ,东亚现存各种地区主义之间具有内在的竞争性。东亚地区合作的当务之急是整合已出现的各种地区化进程和多样的地区主义 ,使以民族国家为中心的地区化和地区主义相互兼容 ,创造出一种独特的东亚地区结构 ,使东亚最终获得整合性的地区化和分享性的地区主义。
The three fundamental concepts of regionalization, regionality, and regionalism are closely interlinked in studies of regional integration. It is necessary to take advantage of these concepts in analyzing East Asia' s regional integration. In East Asia, the process of regionalization has been driven by market forces or state-sponsored regional projects. Therefore, analysts can identify two kinds of regionalization in East Asia: market-centered regionalization and state-centered regionalization. At the same time, analysts also can find that in the region there are some key competing regionalisms with different national characteristics,such as Japanese regionalism, Korean regionalism, and Chinese regionalism. This paper argues that the primary task for actors, players and agents in East Asia's regional cooperation is to integrate these obviously contradictory and competing regionalisms into a relatively single and shared regionalism.
World Economics and Politics