十六大提出的“全面建设小康社会”的目标和“走新型工业化道路” ,对科技工作提出了新要求 ,必须坚持“科教兴国”战略 ,大力推进科技创新 ,努力为我国先进生产力和先进文化的发展 ,为维护和实现我国最广大人民的根本利益 ,为实现全面建设小康社会的目标 ,不断地贡献智慧和力量。西部大开发必须走科技创新之路 。
The objective of 16th CCCPC is to construct well-off all-round society and to develop new-style industry, which raises new requirement for scientists. The objective can be realized by carrying out the strategy of vitalizing China by science and education and scientific and technological innovation, by developing advanced productivity and advanced culture, by imparting the interests to most majority of the masses and by making efforts and contribution. Only by scientific and technological innovation and human resources development can Western Development succeed.