
现代汉语使动结构的ECM现象研究 被引量:11

On the ECM Phenomenon in Mandarin Chinese Causative Constructions
摘要 原则和参数时期的普遍语法理论是由一些既相互独立,又相互制约的理论模块所组成,这些模块共同在句法衍生过程发生作用。例外格标记(ECM)现象作为英语句法结构中一种特殊的格特征核查操作,正是普遍语法中格理论和题元理论这两个重要模块理论共同作用的结果。英语中的ECM现象大都存在于由believe类型的动词引导的不定式结构或由consider类型的动词引导的小句结构中。本文通过对现代汉语由“使/让”类动词引导的使动句的考察分析后发现汉语使动结构中同样存在与英语相似的ECM现象,“使/让”等使役轻动词相当于汉语的ECM动词,这样就证伪了早期一些学者(如黄正德(Huang1998[1982],1989),Ernst1994)提出的汉语句法中不存在如英语中be-lieve类型的ECM动词,因而不存在ECM现象的观点。此外,本文对汉语中与使动结构相似其他句式的ECM现象的存在也进行了考察。 Exceptional Case Markin(ECM)is a special case - checking phenomenon in the syntax of Eng - lish.Under the latest framework of the Minimalist Program,it is defined as an operation whereby the uninterpretable features()of a transitive category are erased through the operation of A - gree with those of an NP which is not its internal argument.In English,most of the ECM phenome - na occur in sentences which contain infinite clauses taken by the matrix verbs such as believe.A typical example is as below:(1)Mary believes Bill to be intelligent.Here,theof both the predicate'believes ' and the following NP'Bill ' are deleted in the operation of Agree.But according to θ - theory,no thematic relationship exists between them,thus resulting in the ECM phenomenon.The same situation can also be found in such examples where the embedded clause is a small clause as(2):(2)Mary considers Bill intelligent.Believe-type and consider-type verbs are called ECM verbs in the syntax of English.The Principles and Parameters framework of the Chomskyan generative grammar is said to contain various kinds of modules,each of which is a self-contained autonomous component that consists of a set of principles and parameters.The ECM subject is a hybrid grammatical construct of those interacting modules:a subject with respect to X - bar theory and θ - theory,and an object in the light of Case theory and Checking theory.The ECM phenomenon attracts the interest from many researchers including some Chinese scholars.Huang(1998,1989)and Ernest(1994)once made a study of the ECM phenomenon in Chinese,investigating the Chinese verbs which can take infinite clauses as their complements.They conclude that the ECM phenomenon does not exist in Chinese since no such verbs as'be - lieve ' or'consider ' in English which can lead to a ECM construction can be found in Chinese.This paper intends to explore the syntax of causative constructions in Mandarin Chinese which contains periphrastic causative verbs such as shi/rang as their matrix verbs,and offers evidence of the existence of the ECM phenomenon in Chinese causative constructions,thus proving invalid the assumption made by Huang and Ernest that there is no ECM phenomenon in Chinese.Besides,the existence of the ECM phenomenon in other sentence structures in Chinese which are similar to the causative constructions will also be investigated.
作者 杨大然
出处 《现代外语》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第4期365-372,共8页 Modern Foreign Languages
关键词 ECM 使动结构 格理论 题元理论 ECM,Causative construction,Case theory,θ - theory
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