马克思主义对自由的理解是一个完整统一的体系 ,具体体现为三个层次的统一 :自由是人类存在的理想状态 ;自由是人的生命活动的内在本质规定 ;自由是肯定人自身的劳动活动。马克思的自由理论为我们把握人类现实的实践活动提供了理论支持。
The Marxist understanding as to freedom is an integrated and unified system,it embodies the following three levels:the ideal state of human being;the stipulation of internal essence concerning human activities of life;the affirmation of human own labours. Marxist theories as to freedom provides the theoretical support for us in holding practice activities of human reality.
Journal of Qinghai Nationalities Institute(Social Sciences)