Wheel-box is an enclosed, sophisticated gearmachine. There are often manifold phenomena from onefault or one phenomenon from several faults. So it isdifficult to determine the condition of wheel-box, and itis more difficult to do fault-diagnosis. Because there aremany fault phenomena samples, it is very difficultto establish the standard fault pattern. Comparatively itis easy to establish the standard norm pattern from normsamples. According to theory of gray system, we canestablish a practicable norm pattern with the method ofmultiple parameter relevance analysis by selecting properparameters. Thus we can calculate the relevance degreeof detected mode with stadard norm pattern, and estimatethe condition of the detected system depending on thenumerical value of relevance degree. If the parametersare selected properly, and the standard norm pattern isestablished properly, it could get a good detecting result.In our research, a wheel-box was tested based on theoryof threshold relevance degree and it gave a successfuloutcome.
Precise Manufacturing & Automation