目的 :探讨前列腺组织双氢睾酮 (DHT)结合能力对前列腺生理的作用。 方法 :2 2例正常前列腺组织取自无严重疾患的急性意外死亡的尸体 ,制备胞质、胞核提取液 ,以乙醚萃取的方法去除提取液中所有的内源性类固醇激素 ,加入3 H DHT测定结合的3 H DHT含量。 结果 :前列腺组织中DHT结合蛋白的总DHT结合容量均值为( 0 .0 2 6 3± 0 .0 0 4 7)nmol/g湿组织 ,胞质、胞核DHT结合容量分别为 ( 0 .0 10 3± 0 .0 0 15 )nmol/g湿组织和 ( 0 .0 15 5±0 .0 0 35 )nmol/g湿组织 ,两者比较差异有极显著性 (P <0 .0 1)。 结论 :前列腺组织中的DHT结合蛋白具有较高的DHT结合容量 ,维持局部DHT的高浓度 。
Objective: To explore the effect of the binding ability of the dihydrotestosterone(DHT) in prostate. Methods: Twenty two normal prostate tissues taken from accident death corpses without serious diseases, and cytosolic and nuclear fractions were prepared with all the endogenous hormone removed from the cytosolic and nuclear fractions by ether stripping. The content of the bound 3 H DHT was assayed by adding 3 H DHT. Results: The average DHT binding capacity of the DHT binding protein in prostate was ( 0.026 3 ± 0.004 7 ) nmol/g wet tissue. The DHT binding capacities of cytosolic and nuclear fractions were ( 0.010 3 ± 0.001 5 ) nmol/g wet tissue and ( 0.015 5 ± 0.003 5 ) nmol/g wet tissue respectively, and the difference between them was very significant( P < 0.01 ). Conclusions: The DHT binding capacity of the DHT binding protein in prostate is high and maintaining the high DHT level facilitates the effect of DHT.
National Journal of Andrology