保护历史文化名城已为人们所普遍关注 ,可持续发展理念是处理发展与保护过程中矛盾的基本手段 ,为克服城市诸多矛盾与问题提供了基本的思路。文章分析了西安历史文化名城保护中的主要问题 ,指出西安应从城市的发展战略、规划布局、城市设计等方面统筹历史文化名城的保护 ,综合协调城市社会经济发展和历史文化遗产保护的关系 。
In 1980, the 99 cities with national historical and cul tural famous values were made public by the State Council. Recently, It is taki ng worldwide attention for the way and manner to protect those cities. The diffi culty is to coordinate conflicts between protecting the historical cultural elem ents and developing its economy or society. Xian is an famous historical cultu ral city in the world. This article is provided strong ways and the ideas for th ose famous cities which should take on sustainable development. By the way it sh ould be overcome that conflicts and solving the problems in city development. So , the primary problem of protecting Xian, the famous historical cultural city, is a comprehensive strategy. Then the protecting districts are divided with the local law. The architectures around those historical or cultural sites should b e coordinate with that environment in scale, style, color or the cultural enviro nment. For the using those historical-cultural elements, the sites in the old i nner city should be lined into a tourist way. Lastly, author gives the ideas tha t the sustainable protection, strategic development, programming and arrangement , designing of city and so on, should be considered and planned as a whole. Whil e we are developing the social economy of Xian city, we should promote the pro tection and inheritance of historic and cultural heritage.
Human Geography
陕西省科技攻关计划项目 ( 2 0 0 2K0 9-G3 )
cultural heritage
famous cities with historic a nd cultural values
sustainable protection