目前 ,我国体育界在训练运动员心理素质方面存在较多的问题 :心理训练的责任观念有误区 ;教练员运动心理知识贫乏 ;运动员心理训练工作不平衡 ;心理训练理论研究水平较低 ;心理训练的内容、方法大多是移植外国的 ,不适合我国国情。建议 :实施全员、全过程参与心理训练模式 ;积极开展对广大教练员运动心理学知识的培训 ;普及发展、长期进行、克服医学化倾向 ;建设一支高质量的专业队伍 ;
At present, some problems exist in training athletes' PQ of the PE circle: misunderstanding in the responsibility of psychological training, coaches' and athletes' lack of psychological knowledge, unbalance of athletes' psychological training, low research level of psychological training theories, unsuitable psychological training contents and methods copied foreign countries'. Suggestions: To carry out the psychological training model of whole-members, whole-process participation; to implement the psychological knowledge training to the coaches actively, regularly and popularly so as to avoid the medical tendency; to build a professional staff of high-quality; to construct a sports psychological training system with China's characteristics.
Journal of Physical Education Institute of Shanxi Teachers University