对大运动量训练期间散打运动员血清睾酮 (totaltestosterone ,T)、皮质醇 (cortisol,C)、肌酸激酶 (creatinekinase ,CK)和血尿素 (bloodurea ,BUN)变化进行了研究。研究显示 ,在整个训练过程中睾酮水平先下降后恢复到训练前水平 ;皮质醇水平先升高而后下降 ;T/C比值在训练初期变化幅度较大 ,但到训练后期其变化幅度减小 ;血尿素含量在训练过程中呈现走低趋势。
The purpose of this study is to investigate the changes of blood indexes such as levels of total testosterone, cortisol, creatine kinase and blood urea of elite Wushu Sahda athletes. It showed that in the intensity training, the leveled of T decreased in the initial period of training, while return to normal in the subsequently sampling points; the performance of C was contrasted to T; the ratio of T/C and CK activities were greatly affected by intensity training; the changes of BUN concentration decreased during intensity training. It suggested that there are great significances in evaluation of physical fitness by applying the above blood indexes.
Journal of Physical Education Institute of Shanxi Teachers University