把零电压转换技术和多相变换技术相结合就可获得一簇新型多相零电压转换 PWM 变换器。这些变换器具有高性能和高功率密度。主要分析了两相 Boost 零电压转换 PWM 变换器的工作原理和特性,并给出了占空比 D>0.5时的谐振元件参数的设计和仿真结果。
The zero-voltage-transition (ZVT) technique is combined with the multiphase conversion technique to achieve a family of novel multiphase ZVT PWM converters.The converters have high performance and high power-density.Operation and characteristics of the two-phase Boost ZVT PWM converter are analyzed.The parameters for resonant components are studied and the silnulation result is given for D>0.5 as well.
Power Supply Technologles and Applications