Objective. To improve the recognition of diagnosis and treatment of gallbladder cancer. Methods. Retrospective analysis of 52 cases of gallbladder carcinoma in our hospital from 1988 to 1998. Results. Preoperative diagnostic rate was 90.3%, of which 12 cases (23%) were early stage of carcinoma. The total operation resection rate was 55.8%, for which only 17.8% were advance stage of carcinoma. Conclution.The early diagnosis is the key factor of increasing treatment successful rate. The following are the symptoms that raise our special attention to carcinoma of gallbladder: (1) Age over 50 have recurrent cholecystitis and with past history of gallstone; (2) Congenital malformation of bile duct; (3) Local thickening and irregularity of gallbladder wall; (4) Polypoid lesion larger than 1cm inside gallbladder; (5) Atrophic gallbladder; (6) Intraluminal stone of gallbladder does not move when change in body position; (7) Regional lymph node enlargement.