目的 旨在研究舍格伦综合征 (Sj gren’ssyndrome ,SS)患者体内氧自由基的变化与本病的关系。 方法 选择 80例舍格伦综合征患者及 2 0例健康对照者。检测外周血中超氧化物岐化酶活性 (SOD) ,过氧化脂质(LPD)及维生素A、E、C水平。结果 研究显示与对照组相比 ,SS患者外周血中超氧化物岐化酶活性 (SOD)及维生素C水平降低 ,而过氧化脂质 (SPO)水平增高 ,在此基础上 ,根据中医四诊 ,将 80例舍格伦综合征患者又分为肝肾阴虚及脾胃阳虚两个亚型 ,对其体内上述指标进行检测 ,结果发现肝肾阴虚型患者上述指标的变化较脾胃阳虚型患者更为明显。结论 SS患者体内氧自由基代谢的异常 ,造成机体组织细胞结构及功能异常。
Objective To investigate the changes of blood free radicals in patients with Sjgren's syndrome(SS).Methods A total of 80 subjects were enrolled.These patients consisted of 75 female and 5 male,aged from 33 to 71 years with a mean of 57 years old.All patients had been examined and confirmed as SS patients.SOD(superoxide dismutase)activity was determined with red blood cells by using method of catechol,and content of LPO with plasma by using method of thiobarbital.Results ①Blood T-SOD(superoxide dismutase) and Mn-SOD signifiantly dropped down,as compared with 20 normal controls.②The content of llipid peroxide(LPO) was siignificantly higher in the experiment group than in the control group.③To find out the relationship between the level of blood free radicals and differentiating syndromes in Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM).We divided these 80 patients into two groups:asthnia of stomach or spleen and deficiency of yin in liver and kidney with the principle of differentiating symptoms and signs.We compared the activity of SOD and the amount of LPO between these two groups and we found that changes of these index in the group of deficiency of yin were more apparently.Conclusion The disturbance of blood free oxygen radicals in SS patients participated in pathophysiological process of SS and free radicals could be considered as an useful objective indices for classifing the different symptoms of TCM.
Journal of Modern Stomatology