
接种菌根菌的木麻黄种源/家系苗的变异研究 被引量:6

Study on Genetic Variation of Casuarina Provenances/Family Seedlings after Inoculating with Ectomycorrhizal Fungus
摘要 在苗圃和温室中分别研究了菌根菌接种对23个短枝木麻黄种源和10个山地木麻黄家系生长的影响,并筛选出优良菌根菌—木麻黄基因型组合体。试验表明,苗圃中接种菌根菌对短枝木麻黄种源苗高和地径的改善程度不同,效果与种源有密切关系,筛选出了一些优良"菌根菌—木麻黄种源"组合体,23个种源中18357种源的接种效果最好,其次为18143,18122和18121种源;在温室中,参试家系所有性状在接种处理间、家系间、家系×菌种互作间均有极显著差异。接种菌根菌明显改善了木麻黄苗对磷(P)的吸收量,幼苗枝叶的P吸收量都为相应对照值的1 3~2 7倍,且菌根菌 家系组合体对土壤中P的吸收能力不同,有利于P吸收的组合有C9216 家系7和家系8、E4100 家系6、7和8。用苗高、地径、地上生物量和P吸收量等因素对30个参试菌根菌 家系组合进行综合评价,选出13个优良组合:C9216 家系8、E4100 家系6、C9216 家系3、C9216 家系7、E4100 家系8、E4100 家系1、E4100 家系5、E9216 家系7、C9216 家系5、E4100 家系4、E4100 家系2、C9216 家系6和C9216 家系10,这些组合均好于未接种处理的家系3的综合评价值,其中家系5、6、7、8对2种菌根菌组合效果都比较理想,而家系3、1、2、10只与2种菌根菌中的一种构成良好的组合。 In nursery and glass house,the effects of 23 seedlots of Casuarina equisetifolia and 10 families of C.junghuhniana genotypes on growth and biomass production were studied,and the better mycorrhizal fungus—tree genotype associations were screened out.In nursery trial,results of C.equisetifolia showed that ectomycorrhizal fungus significantly improved seedling growth in diameter and height after inoculating,and that there was genetic variation among seedlots.Some better mycorrhizal fungus—provenance genotype associations were screened out,in the 23 seedlots,seedlot 18357 was the best,and seedlot 18143,18122 and 18121 were better.In glass house trial,results of C.junghuhniana showed that there were significantly differences in growth and biomass production between fungus treatments,families and fungus × family interactions.Inoculation with ectomycorrhizal fungi could improve phosphorus uptake amount in seedling green parts,which increased by 1.3~2.7 times,comparing with uninoculation treatments,and better symbiotic associations in phosphorus uptake were C9216-family No.7 or No.8,E4100-family No.6,No.7 and No.8.By means of multipurpose decision strategy methods,with height,diameter,biomass above ground level and phosphorus uptake in green branches,the 30 associations were ordered in group,the 13 better mycorrhizal fungus-family genotypes were fungus isolate C9216-family No.8,E4100-family No.6,C9216-family No.3,C9216-family No.7,E4100-family No.8,E4100-family No.1,E4100-family No.5,C9216-family No.7,C9216-family No.5,E4100-family No.4,E4100-family No.2,C9216-family No.6 and C9216-family No.10,comparing with the best uninoculating treatment family No.3.And family No.5,No.6,No.7 and No.8 could make better associations with isolate C9216 and E4100,but family No.3,No.1,No.2 and No.10 only made better associations with one of the two isolates.The two trials indicated that ectomycorrhizal fungus inoculation effectiveness existed significantly in genetic variation of provenance and family, which will provide some references in study of casuarina symbiotic genetic improvement.
出处 《林业科学研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第5期588-594,共7页 Forest Research
基金 中澳合作"华南地区国际木麻黄种源试验"(1994-2002) 国家自然科学基金项目"树木-外生菌根菌共生体持续性及其机理研究"(1999-2001) 863项目"生态环境建设抗逆林灌木柠条 沙棘等新品种选育"的子专题:木麻黄抗逆新品种选育(2002-2005)
关键词 菌根菌 木麻黄 种源 家系苗 变异 共生遗传 casuarina mycorrhizal fungus symbiotic genetic provenance family
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