信息商品价格研究一直是学术界讨论的热点问题 ,本文就这一研究课题检索了近 8年来公开发表的文章 (以《全国报刊索引》收录的文章为检索范围 ) ,并就其发文情况、定价机理和具体的定价方法等方面进行了整理分析 ,对该领域研究的发展状况做一总结 ,并对其中存在的问题与不足略发拙见 。
? The study of information goods price has always been a hot topic in academia.The paper searches publicly published articles about this topic in recent 8 years(national newspapers and periodicals index as searching area),and analyses the articles issuing condition,price mechanism and concrete price method,summarizes the study development condition of this area,and raises the problems and limitation.
Journal of Modern Information